Monday, March 5, 2012


So I have been under the weather the past few days. Once I got home today, I decided to relax and surf my favorite inspiration site PINTREST!! I am in LOVE this pintrest. I find so many cool and creative ideas not only for photography but for house projects (sorry Alex)!
While looking under the photography category on pintrest, I found a bunch of sites to buy "actions". I hate to say it but I kind of despise the fact that people want to better their photos by buying actions that other photographers have already created. I feel as photographers we should LEARN how to do things and create our OWN, UNIQUE actions....maybe this is just me ranting.
Upon seeing some of these actions I decided to go in and do a re-edit of one of my images I took of Alex a while back. A little bit of this and that and voilĂ !

For any photoshop related questions, feel free to contact me!